Welcome to Te Roopu Taurima

We are a kaupapa Maori service that supports people of all ethnicities with intellectual impairments around New Zealand.

We provide residential and vocational support to clients, known as tangata, as well as out-of-family respite care, caregiver support, high and complex needs support, and choices in community living.

We believe in creating a community within the organisation, as well as helping our tangata become part of the wider community.

With offices in Auckland (Tamaki Makarau), Whangarei (Taitokerau), Hamilton (Kirikiriroa), and the Christchurch (Otautahi), we are empowering tangata all over the country. As the largest kaupapa Maori Disability Support Service, our worldview encompasses everyone – we believe in caring for anyone with intellectual impairments or mental illness who needs support.

Make a donation to Te Roopu Taurima

Kia tūtuki ai ngā moemoea me ngā wawata / Mission

Whāriki! The essence of interweaving the supports for tāngata to live tino rangitiratanga.

The mission, Whāriki! The essence of interweaving the supports for tāngata to live tino rangitiratanga, is exactly what it states in that Te Roopu Taurima knows that it takes the interweaving of many to provide tika, pono and aroha when enabling good lives for the people it supports.

Titiro whakamua, nga moemoea mo apopo / Vision

Tāngata Tū Tāngata Ora

Whānau Tū Whānau Ora

The vision, Tāngata Tū Tāngata Ora; Whānau Tū Whānau Ora, is a premise that Te Roopu Taurima will do all that it possibly can to ensure that the people it supports are centre to all of its services and their whānau are also centre to that support. The vision encompasses the Enabling Good Lives (EGL) principles.

Ngā Mātāpono / Values

Our strategy is built upon our core values, Ngā Mātāpono; together, these underpin everything we say and do at Te Roopu Taurima, individually and collectively.


Tika Correct/Quality

Whakapono Trust


Kia MāramaTransparency

Whakataukī / Proverb

Rangatiratanga mō tātou kātoa i runga i ngā tikanga o tēnā o tēnā o tēnā

Ensuring empowerment and self-determination regardless of disability, age, gender, race or status

How to contact us

Go to the Contact Us tab for more information or click here to be taken directly to the page.

If our phone lines are overloaded you can email us.

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© Copyright - Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust. All rights reserved.
Te Roopu Taurima