RIDSAS is a highly specialised service, delivered by a pool of skilled employees, which provides support for intellectually disabled people who have high and complex needs, some of whom are referred under the Intellectual Disability Compulsory Care & Rehabilitation Act (IDCC&R) Act 2003.
Services are responsive to individual needs and are rehabilitative in nature. Support provided includes:
- Kaumatua and whaea (elders) to work with tangata (clients)
- Day programmes that provide cultural and vocational activities designed to expand life experiences
- Assistance with obtaining employment
- Residential support for people unable to be supported in their own homes
- Business services to provide quality financial and administration support.
RIDSAS supports the mission of Te Roopu Taurima by providing both residential and vocational support with a priority focus on lifestyle and rehabilitation programmes.
Individual transition plans are developed to assist tangata entering RIDSAS. Care Managers develop an understanding of tangata needs by developing a regularly reviewed individual care and rehabilitation plan. They are also responsible for ensuring that tangata comply with any legal orders including medical care, court appearances, and attendance at meetings.
RIDSAS Vocational is a life skills programme that provides tangata with skills to help them participate in the community. Tangata develop a lifestyle plan based on their goals and aspirations.
Referral Process
Tangata are referred to Te Roopu Taurima by various agencies for the different regions.
In order to be referred, tangata will need meet factors in the following criteria:
- Primary disability is intellectual
- Presents with significant risk to self or others
- Has committed an offence
- Is involved with the justice system
- In need of support services for people with high and complex needs.
If you have any queries please contact:
PO Box 22-346, Otahuhu
Telephone 09 276 6282
Facsimile 09 259 9057
Email info@terooputaurima.org.nz