To the staff and whanau of Te Roopu Taurima O Te Arohanui Whare,
Hope this letter finds you all well and in good health. Enclosed is the Wairoa Star with the acknowledgement notice in it regarding Uncle Bors.
We are so glad for the staff members that cared for Uncle and especially Mary, Joanne and Choney for whom always keep in contact with us all concerning Uncle and his health situation. You will always have a special place in our hearts.
We all loved Uncle so dearly and he lived a full life with you all. He has family from Riverton-Invercargill to London and wherever we all are I know that he was not far from our thoughts.
Please accept this heartfelt sincere acknowledgement from his Winitana-Wairau whanau.
Kia ora, Malo a Lelei, Kia Orana, Talofa Lava, Namaste, Bula Vinaka, Fakalofa Lahi Atu
Team Haumono Otara Boxing and Fitness Group wish to extend our sincerest gratitude to the Management and Staff of Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau for allowing us the use of your facilities.
The us of your venue gave us the opportunity to continue with our training and fitness sessions as we journey towards achieving our ultimate goal of Great Health and Wellbeing.
We trust that we have taken good care of the facilities to the standards expected of any team who use the facilities.
We would appreciate the use of the facilities again should space and time allow.
Please accept this small koha as a token of our sincere appreciation ($30).
Nga mihi nui
RE: Supported Decision Making Forum – 20-21 April 2016 in Auckland
Kia ora! Kia ora! Kia ora!
Thank you so much for all your help – Tania, Drew and Te Roopu Taurima played a huge part in the hui, and I’m sure a more formal thanks will be sent from Auckland Disability Law (ADL). It was lovely to meet your other colleagues, and I understand Te Roopu’s sessions went really well. Thank you again, it really has been a pleasure to work with you. Overall the hui was a success, and the sessions I attended were both thoughtful and inspiring.
Great big thanks again for all your help.
Nga mihi nui
I felt welcomed and respected. Thank you.
I noticed that same respect was shown to each person that stood up to speak.
I felt that the questions I asked of Tania after the hui were acknowledged and answered.
Thank you for the wonderful work you do in such a challenging area. One that most people wouldn’t put their hand up for.
Helen Hawkins
Thank you for your hospitality…much appreciated.
Was an interesting hui from our prospective being fairly new whanau utilising your service.
Was great to hear from other whanau who have, like we have, enjoyed the positive and supportive staff. The staff are truly an asset always friendly and welcoming. It was evident that management had a good understanding of each regions houses and they clearly wanted to ensure the best outcomes were achieved for whanau. It is not an easy task when individuals want to discuss their own circumstances at an open meeting. This was well controlled by management staff…well done.
Thank you
Regards Vance and Jenny Meara
I think the hui was a great success, it was good to see more whanau attending
I have one regret though and that is that I didn’t pay tribute to the kaimahi Dot, Thomas & Hine (Whare Te Marino) for the all that they do to support my whanau member. Can you pass this on please? Thank you.
Rana Atama
The reason we came today was to say thank you for the care and attention that has been given to our whanau member. Gaylene visits their whanau member regularly and had only good things to say about the staff and the whare. One thing that they would like is for their whanau member to be taken to Taumarunui to visit Sam’s 89 year old mother who lives in a home there. Winiata (Service Operations Manager Southern) advised that this will be arranged.
Thank you
Sam and Gaylene Jacobs