The health and safety of the people Te Roopu Taurima supports (tāngata) and kaimahi is our top priority. We are closely monitoring and following official advice from the Ministry of Health. The Senior Management Team will distribute regular information for kaimahi, tāngata and their whānau. This page provides access to Panui for the whānau of tangata:
- Panui (25 March) to whanau of tangata
- Panui (11 March) to whanau of tangata
- Panui (25 February 2022) to whanau of tangata
- Panui (17 February 2022) to whanau of tangata
- Panui (27 January 2022) to whanau of tangata
- Panui (25 January 2022) to whanau of tangata
- Panui (21 January 2022) to whanau or tangata
- Panui (19 January 2022) to whanau of tangata
2021 Updates:
- Panui (30 December) to whānau of tangata
- Panui (15 December) to whānau of tangata
- Panui (30 November) to whānau of tangata
- Panui (15 November) to whanau of tangata
- Panui (2 November) to whanau of tangata
- Panui (25 October) to whanau of tangata
- Panui (19 October) to whanau of tangata
- Panui (13 October) to whanau of tangata
- Panui (5 October) to whanau of tangata
- Panui (24 September) to whanau of tangata
- Panui (14 September) to whanau of tangata
- Panui (7 September) to whanau of tangata
- Panui (31 August) to whanau of tangata
- Panui (27 August) to whanau of tangata
- Panui (24 August) to whanau of tangata
- Panui (18 August) to whanau of tangata
- Panui (30 April) to whanau of tangata including Consent form
- Panui (9 March) to whanau of tangata
- Panui (15 February) to all whanau of tangata
- Panui (14 February) Notice of Alert Level change
2020 Updates:
- Whānau Panui for 12 August 2020 – Tangata in Tamaki Makaurau and National Office update
- Panui for 24 June 2020 – Whānau and kaimahi Keeping safe at Alert Level 1
- Whānau panui for 22 May 2020 – Visitor checklist and information
- Whānau panui for 14 May 2020 – Visiting at Level 2
- Whānau Panui for 27 April 2020
- TRT Guidelines for Whānau Visits during Alert Level 3
- Whānau Panui for 18 March 2020