Disabled Māori Undecided about the Covid-19 Vaccination and Booster
Get Vaccinated! That’s the message from the team of staff and clients at Te Roopu Taurima. The vaccine is safe. Vaccinated people are less likely to infect others or end up in hospital or die if they catch the virus. Being vaccinated helps keep yourself and your whānau safe, especially children who are not able to be vaccinated. Vaccinated people will have more freedom to mix and mingle with friends and whānau. Fully vaccinated people can use their Vaccine Pass to access activities, events and facilities that unvaccinated people will have restricted access to.
Te Roopu Taurima launched the ‘Werohia mō to whanau /Do it for your whānau’ campaign on Friday 3 December. The campaign is aimed at raising awareness for disabled people and their carers/whānau on the importance of getting vaccinated through a series videos featuring clients, a whānau member and staff of Te Roopu Taurima. The videos are in English with Te Reo Māori subtitles, New Zealand Sign Language and with English subtitles. A series of online digital ecards highlighting a key message from each of the participants, in nine different languages, have been developed also.
Provided below are links to the Campaign’s original montage launch video:
English with Te Reo Māori subtitles.
English with English subtitles.
English with NZ Sign Language translation.
Remember to click on the [ ] icon at the bottom right of the image to watch using a full screen.
Provided below are links to the Campaign’s video message from Natasha:
English with Te Reo Māori subtitles.
English with English subtitles.
English with NZ Sign Language translation.
Remember to click on the [ ] icon at the bottom right of the image to watch using a full screen.
Provided below are links to the Campaign’s video message from Lauren:
English with Te Reo Māori subtitles.
English with English subtitles.
English with NZ Sign Language translation.
Remember to click on the [ ] icon at the bottom right of the image to watch using a full screen.
Provided below are links to the Campaign’s video message to whānau from Ani and Te Rina:
English with Te Reo Māori subtitles.
English with English subtitles.
English with NZ Sign Language translation.
Remember to click on the [ ] icon at the bottom right of the image to watch using a full screen.
Provided below are links to the Campaign’s video message from the Manawhakahaere/CEO, Tania Thomas:
English with Te Reo Māori subtitles.
English with English subtitles.
English with NZ Sign Language translation.
Remember to click on the [ ] icon at the bottom right of the image to watch using a full screen.
Provided below are links to the Campaign’s video message from Tautala (kaimahi of Te Roopu Taurima)
English with Te Reo Māori subtitles.
English with English subtitles.
English with NZ Sign Language translation.
Remember to click on the [ ] icon at the bottom right of the image to watch using a full screen.
Provided below are links to the Campaign’s video message from Ripa (kaimahi of Te Roopu Taurima)
English with Te Reo Māori subtitles.
English with English subtitles.
English with NZ Sign Language translation.
Remember to click on the [ ] icon at the bottom right of the image to watch using a full screen.
Provided below are links to the Campaign’s video message from Peihana (kaimahi of Te Roopu Taurima)
English with Te Reo Māori subtitles.
English with English subtitles.
English with NZ Sign Language translation.
Remember to click on the [ ] icon at the bottom right of the image to watch using a full screen.
The digital postcard resources below were developed by Te Roopu Taurima as part of the ‘Werohia mō to whanau / Do it for your whānau’ campaign. The resources are available in nine different languages, based on key messages taken from each of the videos created.
Natasha’s key message in – English, Te Reo Māori, Cook Island Māori, Tongan, Samoan, Fijian, Niuean, Hindi, Chinese
Lauren’s message key message in – English, Te Reo Māori, Cook Island Māori, Tongan, Samoan, Fijian, Niuean, Hindi, Chinese
Ani and Te Rina’s key message in – English, Te Reo Māori, Cook Island Māori, Tongan, Samoan, Fijian, Niuean, Hindi, Chinese
Manawhakahaere, Tania’s key message in – English, Te Reo Māori, Cook Island Māori, Tongan, Samoan, Fijian, Niuean, Hindi, Chinese
Kaimahi, Peihana’s message in – English, Te Reo Māori, Cook Island Māori, Tongan, Samoan, Fijian, Niuean, Hindi, Chinese
Kaimahi, Tautala’s message in – English, Te Reo Māori, Cook Island Māori, Tongan, Samoan, Fijian, Niuean, Hindi, Chinese
Kaimahi, Ripa’s message in – English, Te Reo Māori, Cook Island Māori, Tongan, Samoan, Fijian, Niuean, Hindi, Chinese